Along with the many UK companies, Nature's Choice have taken active steps to assure business continues as normal in the run-up, during and post-Brexit.
At this time, no-one understands the full impact of Brexit, therefore our contingency planning is fairly limited until such time as details of any post-Brexit deals are made public. As soon as some clarity is received from the government about trade deals post-Brexit, we will be in a better position to assess and communicate our position.
We have already looked to increase our UK-based supply chain over the past 12-18 months which will help to sustain produce supplies, albeit potentially with some limitations due to seasonal availability. However, we have a robust supplier approval process in place which we will continue to maintain and monitor, should the need arise to source from alternative suppliers going forward.
We consider our workforce to be at minimal risk and that our ability to maintain delivery in the post-Brexit environment will not be compromised.